Gotcha Force Wiki

Double Ninja is one of the many ninja's which at their core are based off of the Normal Ninja. This Ninja plays exactly like the Normal Ninja down to every movement, except for one small difference. The Bomb attack (x) now can charge into the Ninpo Kage Bunshin which creates a copy of the Double Ninja to fight alongside him and copy his every movement. Although this doubles the firepower, enemies will still 'fall' over quicker due to twice the amount of shuriken/bombs coming at them, which creates the issue of whether or not the Double Ninja's extra 60 GF Energy cost. However, if double fire power is what your looking for, and your not afraid of playing a low health borg, this could be one of your Force members. His moves are as follows:

    B shot: Shuriken                       - A basic bullet.  Single shot and medium-low speed.  Very easy to dodge, but has minor homing.
    B attack: Shinobi Gatana               - Close range move.  Can combo into 3 hits consecutively, most of the time knocking the opponent back.
    X: Shinobi Bomb                        - A basic bomb.  Rises and falls at a low speed, incredibly easy to dodge for most light-weight borgs.
    X charge atk: Ninpo Kage Bunshin       - Double Ninja creates a clone to fight along side him, copying his every move from Shinobi bomb to Shuriken.

He has only one significant unlisted move. Once above an enemy, the player may press B to make an attempt to slam down on them with their sword.
